Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Potential Upset.

We went, all four of us, to The Red Deer. Samuel wanted to go alone, but who would talk to him? It’s only Angela and me that they have any time for. Whatever happened with the police and Enright, the word isn’t out: we were greeted as normal, with purpose and boredom. I asked for another file for the timeline, apologised for missing Saturday’s meet, and doubled back to hand in the old file that I’d brought as a prop.

The first thing we learned was that Reeves has gone back to London – a VIP fleeing before the scandal taints him. One of the carvers had spoken to Enright in the morning, who had spun it to say he would have more time to work now he wasn’t playing host.

“If he’s been speaking to Enright, then Enright’s free.” I said to the others in an empty corner. Norman reminded me that one of the Enrights could be under arrest while the other one hid and ran the show.

There were no reports of murder arrests or bodies found in The Star. In a neighbourhood like Fulwood that would make the front page. It would probably make the telly news. We wanted to talk to the neighbours, Norman and Angela could pose as new residents, concerned about seeing the police. It was too risky though, to get so close to Enright’s house.

We considered calling Sebastian, but all we have is a supposition, and he could be closer than us to knowing where Challoner is. The idea that Enright saw him as a threat made Angela suggest we tell everyone we can:-
“That way he achieves nothing by harming us.”
“Except his own satisfaction.” Said Samuel.

In truth we don’t know what to do. Samuel is used to resolving situations himself. Norman is way out of his depth and would advocate the police more strongly if he weren’t wanted for questioning himself. Angela wants him handed over to the mob. And I’m wondering if what he’s done, bringing everyone together, working to restore magic, I’m wondering if I want to damage that.

While we were out, I got a missed call on my mobile. Arthur Enright has tried to ring me.


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