Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Room at the inn.

Norman wants Angela to stay, but that’s because she’s offering him an answer for what’s happened to his wife.

She has, however, asked nicely – which is more than Norman ever did. He just stumped in and lay down. Now he just sits in the living room and waits for me to come upstairs, before he unpacks his blankets. The living room smells of him now. When I came home from Top’s this afternoon I could smell him from the front door.

He wants to show Angela the study. She’s been in there before, with dad.

Norman says it’s ridiculous that I refuse to believe in magic and yet I accept that the study exists; I accept that my father spent most of his time in there, with all the books and bodkins. I even accept that my father believed in magic, but there’s no evidence for magic itself – there’s just dead people and strangers.


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